AUCA Google Authentication

AUCA had recently launched Oauth2 Google Sign-in support. Now students, faculty and staff could access all AUCA web resources by using their usual AUCA email account.

Google Sign-in system also provides additional security features, such as Two-Factor Authentication, Android integration and etc. as well as it gives you access to Google services, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs and etc.

When using Google Authentication use your AUCA email credentials. If you're already logged in into AUCA Google account - system will automatically log you in, for example if you have opened AUCA email client in other tab of the browser.

When you logout from AUCA website - your AUCA Google Account is not logged out! Make sure you didn't left other people access to your AUCA email or other services!

To Logout Completely - logout from every AUCA app you used and then logout from your AUCA email.